Kala The Arts is...
Kala The Arts is a leading South Asian Dance organisation based in Basingstoke and operating since 1999. The company was founded by Sushmita Pati, an international Odissi artist choreographer and current Artistic Director of Kala The Arts.
For more than decade we have been working with local, national and international artists to create innovative artistically high quality South Asian dance and music. Kala The Arts has a number of strands to its work. The company creates new professional pieces of work for touring to arts venues, outdoor spaces and festivals. The organisation is also an established Arts in Education charity and we work with professional artists to provide a powerhouse of knowledge and expertise that we are keen to share widely in our educational workshops, residencies and classes. We run an active community programme in Hampshire and beyond. Kala The Arts is working together with local partners to create a programme of work that promotes diversity, integration and encourages community cohesion.
Through our services we are also developing the traditional, contemporary and innovative practice of professional artists in the region. Kala The Arts is a member of Basingstoke Cultural Forum, a network of professional arts and cultural organisations in Basingstoke.
Our Aims..
The organisation strives for excellence and creativity in South Asian dance and other related arts through its high quality performances and productions and developmental projects such as residencies, long term community workshops, nurturing local talent by offering scholarships and excellent training programmes for all age groups and skills levels.
Through our education programme, we aim to encourage awareness of South Asian dance and music and present it in such a way that it is relevant to life in Britain today. Our aim is to bring as many people as possible in contact with the creativity and high quality work of Kala The Art’s South Asian dance practise within Hampshire and beyond.
Our Purpose and Objectives...
Our purpose and objective is to actively engage, entertain and empower the local communities/audiences of all age groups through its various participatory programmes of work which become culturally rich and become positive experiences. Kala The Arts embraces education and lifelong learning as its core values. The outcome of the company's work has left paticipants with lasting long-term benefits.
For more than decade we have been working with local, national and international artists to create innovative artistically high quality South Asian dance and music. Kala The Arts has a number of strands to its work. The company creates new professional pieces of work for touring to arts venues, outdoor spaces and festivals. The organisation is also an established Arts in Education charity and we work with professional artists to provide a powerhouse of knowledge and expertise that we are keen to share widely in our educational workshops, residencies and classes. We run an active community programme in Hampshire and beyond. Kala The Arts is working together with local partners to create a programme of work that promotes diversity, integration and encourages community cohesion.
Through our services we are also developing the traditional, contemporary and innovative practice of professional artists in the region. Kala The Arts is a member of Basingstoke Cultural Forum, a network of professional arts and cultural organisations in Basingstoke.
Our Aims..
The organisation strives for excellence and creativity in South Asian dance and other related arts through its high quality performances and productions and developmental projects such as residencies, long term community workshops, nurturing local talent by offering scholarships and excellent training programmes for all age groups and skills levels.
Through our education programme, we aim to encourage awareness of South Asian dance and music and present it in such a way that it is relevant to life in Britain today. Our aim is to bring as many people as possible in contact with the creativity and high quality work of Kala The Art’s South Asian dance practise within Hampshire and beyond.
Our Purpose and Objectives...
Our purpose and objective is to actively engage, entertain and empower the local communities/audiences of all age groups through its various participatory programmes of work which become culturally rich and become positive experiences. Kala The Arts embraces education and lifelong learning as its core values. The outcome of the company's work has left paticipants with lasting long-term benefits.